Winning Grants with Open Science - a workshop for NCPs


27th March 2020

University of Zagreb

Horizon EU has relabeled its Pillar One “Excellence” as “Open Science”, as society demands greater transparency and access to research. What is behind the curtains of this change, and what does it mean for the NCPs and the applicants they advise on a daily basis?

The session will not cover the full range of hypothetical FAQ’s that NCP could face, but instead focus on raising basic awareness AND offer pragmatic existing solutions that can make ALL outputs of the research process open, accessible and verifiable, and showcase evidence how these approaches gain competitive advantage in Evaluation Summary Reports (ESR) at grant application.


Preliminary programme:

09:00 - 10.00: The What, Why and How of Open Science: (1) Basic definitions, (2) EC mandates, (3) what wins Evaluation points

10:00 - 10.30: Testimonials from Young Researcher, Librarian, Grant Officer & NCPs who proactively advise on Open Science (via web conference)

10.30 - 11.15: Open Floor Q&A

11.15 - 12.30: One-to-one Clinique: this part of the programme will be demand driven, based on pre-stated specific problems by attendees at registration.  


This is a free event but registration is required. This is a satellite event of the MCAA General Assembly and Annual Conference.



Target: Horizon 2020 National Contact Points

Moderators: Ivo Grigorov, Juliane Sauer





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